看不见的世界:认识美国经理人 FUMIE


Welcome to our employee spotlight, where we feature members of our team, sharing their insights, perspectives, and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with FUMIE: US Manager at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.

UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー "SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、USマネージャーのFUMIEさんに、ビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。




Hi! My name is Fumie! I am currently working from Texas remotely as a manager. I was born in Brazil and moved to Japan when I was ten. I went to university in the U.S. and have gone back and forth between Japan and the U.S. Right now, I am enjoying life in the Lone Star State.

It is rather hard to find the time for the many things I like to do with work and family responsibilities, but I have committed myself to go to yoga every week. I am currently working on strengthening my core to do a head stand~~~~!!!






I can think of two things that give me inspiration. I get a lot of inspiration from kids, believe it or not. It is not just my own child, but I feel like my hardened mind (and heart) softens a little when I am around kids. There is a beauty in the simple wonders and discoveries kids have, even their laughter and tears. It gives me new hope and fresh energy to keep searching for the good in simple things.

The second thing is food. Am I too simple? (laughs) I am the type of person who really enjoys a good meal, a dessert, a nice cup of coffee (I was born in Brazil after all), or a nice glass of red. I also enjoy cooking and good food ********inspires******** me to try to cook the same at home. Nothing beats a good tasting meal that you made yourself ^^



▲ Sourdough bread I started to make during the pandemic.
▲ コロナ禍中にハマったサワードウパン作り。

▲ Would you care for some homemade double shot latte?
▲ ダブルショットラテはいかがですか?




I am currently playing “Horizon Forbidden West“. Other favorites were “The Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild“ and “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim“. I like to live vicariously through games and explore the wild. The key is a game that has a world and narrative that is so immersive that allows me to escape reality for a little (laughs).

今プレイしているゲームは『Horizon Forbidden West』です。他に好きなゲームは『ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド』とか、『The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim』とか。オープン世界でいろいろと探検・冒険をするのが好きです。ゲーム世界、ナラティブに没頭でき、現実逃避ができるゲームが好きです(笑)

▲ “Horizon Forbidden West“
▲ 『Horizon Forbidden West』

▲ “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim“
▲『The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim』



When I was living in Brazil, my family would take short trips to Japan. We bought the NES during one of these trips, and that was the first time I played videogames. Things we bought in Japan always seemed so much better (laughs). I do remember having to connect the Japanese console to a power converter and a bunch of cords to connect to the TV… it took forever just to set it up.

I honestly don’t remember the first game we had. I asked my mom, who said “It had a gasparzinho in it!” (Gasparzinho=little ghost) I still haven’t figured out what the game was.

After we moved to Japan, it was like every classmate was a game master. Videogames were (and still are) such a big part of Japanese kids culture, most kids I knew played. I still remember Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Puyo Puyo…





▲ Happy Halloween Hotdog!
▲ ハッピーハロウィンホットドッグ!

▲ I love gardening! Okra Love💛
▲ ガーデニングも楽しいです!大好きなオクラ💛

My once-a-baby monstera💛




I joined UNSEEN in March by an interesting turn of fate. I am not exaggerating when I say that I am learning something new every single day. Having the opportunity to learn is such a rewarding and invaluable experience. My exposure to the game industry had been indirect (through family) until I joined UNSEEN, and it has been an eye opening experience. There are lots of challenges in building a new company and a new team, but I am like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Christmas morning to come.

I just want to do what I can to support Ikumi-san and the UNSEEN team to reach their goals.



I am like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Christmas morning to come.


▲ Fumie’s working space
▲ FUMIEのワークスペース


What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?

My hope is to contribute to creating an environment in which each and every member of the team feels like “I want to do my best!”. As I am currently working with the HR and PM team, I want to stay attentive to everyone’s opinions. I want to not only foster the relationship with the developers, but also get them engaged and involved in a way that gives them the support and motivation they need to unleash their skills and abilities uninhibited.

I want to support the communication and collaboration among the very talented, multi-national UNSEEN team using my language skills and experience in different cultures.



▲Texas sunrise!!
▲ テキサスの朝!!

I want to stay attentive to everyone’s opinions.




I think it is important to maintain a positive attitude towards continuous learning. I think people have a tendency to choose comfort over change, and choose to stay at the comfortable place if they are allowed to do so.

In any field, when you’ve gained a certain amount of experience, you can do your work without thinking too much, without having to improve your skills and experience. That was the case with me. However, at UNSEEN, I have been working and assisting in a wide variety of areas and I am learning a lot of new things, which is, needless to say, extremely stimulating.

It has come to my attention that I was in the comfortable place before UNSEEN. Making a conscious effort to continue to learn not only help you grow, but also opens up the possibilities of how I can contribute to those around me.




▲ Precious time with family
▲ 家族との大切な時間


In our previous article SEE the UNSEEN: Meet HR Manager, RIE , she asks: How are you so receptive? Tell us the source of that power!”

It is not such a challenge to be receptive and understanding when you work with people like you, Rie, and the other UNSEEN members who are brilliant and professional…!! ^^

I will say that I’ve never been quick-witted, so I resort to listening and observing before formulating my thoughts and opinions. So, if I do say so myself, I do have pretty good eyes and ears…!!

前記事 SEE the UNSEEN: Meet HR Manager, RIE からの質問:「どうしてそんなに包容力があるんですか?そのパワーの源を教えてください!」

Rieさんをはじめ、他のUNSEENのメンバーのように、優秀でプロフェッショナルな人たちと一緒に仕事をすれば、包容力を発揮することはそんなに難しいことではありませんよ...! ^^


Thank you for your time FUMIE-san!
We look forward to showing everyone the amazing work you have been creating for UNSEEN.


Next time, we will introduce ARNAUD TUDURI - World Director at UNSEEN.
Please look forward to it.

US Manager

FUMIE asks

What is something you love about Japan and something that you miss about home?



WIRED.JP: インスピレーションは "人間関係 "と "死":わたしたちがゲームをつく理由(7)UNSEEN 中村育美


CGWORLD.JP: 「最高のゲームを目指し、最高のアーティストとつくった、最高のスタジオ」中村育美による新ゲームスタジオ「UNSEEN」潜入レポート