看不见的世界:认识助理制片人 KYOKO
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with KYOKO : Assistant Producer at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー "SEE the UNSEEN"。
今回は、Assistant ProducerのKYOKOさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hello world! I'm Kyoko, Assistant Producer at UNSEEN :) I've worked in the gaming industry as a Community Manager for companies like Riot Games and Bethesda, but at UNSEEN, I handle outsourcing management, negotiations with publishers, and PR / community planning as an Assistant Producer. Ikumi and I have been having an exciting time traveling around the world! On my days off, I enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing and camping with my beloved dog, as well as reading, appreciating art, playing the piano, and watching documentaries (especially those about cartels and the mafia!).
Hello world! UNSEENのAssistant ProducerのKyokoです:) 今まではCommunity ManagerとしてRiot Games、Bethesdaなどでゲームのパブリッシングに携わってきましたが、UNSEENではAssistant Producerとしてアウトソーシング管理やパブリッシャーとの交渉、PR/コミュニティ企画の仕事をしています。Ikumiと世界中を飛び回るエキサイティングな毎日を送っています!休日はゲーム以外にも愛犬とスキーやキャンプなどのアウトドアを楽しんだり、読書、アート鑑賞、ピアノ演奏、ドキュメンタリーを見ること(特にカルテルやマフィアもの!)が大好きです。
▲ UNSEEN ritual for a new joiner▧
▲ UNSEENスタジオにて入社の儀式▧
Dialogue with people and wonderful works of art inspire me! Especially in recent years, I love watching animated shows like Midnight Gospel, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, and Adventure Time, which offer a unique worldview filtered through a distinct lens. I believe in multiculturalism and peaceful coexistence among people who are different from one another, and I truly think that "everyone is different, and everyone is amazing." I love these shows that naturally depict a "anything goes" mentality, where such beliefs are portrayed. Actually, I named my beloved dog Jake after Adventure Time's Jake, with the hope that he would grow up to have an open and free personality like Jake from the show. (So far, my Jake is even more amazing than the animated Jake!) One of the people I'd love to meet someday is director Pendleton Ward (Midnight Gospel, Adventure Time) and Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty, High on Life). Regarding the production, "Rick and Morty Exquisite Corpse" has turned out to be an absolutely fantastic piece of work, and I have the utmost respect for the team that created it. The team that put it all together did an incredible job!
人との対話と素晴らしき芸術作品!ここ数年では特にMidnight Gospel, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, Adventure timeなど、ユニークなフィルターを通して見るような世界感のアニメーションが大好きです。私は多文化や異質同士の平和的共存を信じていて、本当に「みんな違ってみんな最高」って思ってるんです。それらが当然のように描かれている「なんでもあり」のこれらの作品が大好きです。実は愛犬のJakeはAdventure timeのJakeのようにオープンで自由な性格に育ってほしいという願いを込めて名付けました。(いまのところうちのJakeはアニメ版Jake以上に最高だよ!) ディレクターのPendleton Ward(Midnight Gospel, Adventure Time)やJustin Roiland(Rick and Morty, High on Life)はいつか会ってみたい人たちの一人です。Productionに関しては”Rick and Morty Exquisite Corpse”は本当に素晴らしい作品に仕上がっていて、これを作ったチームを心の底から尊敬しています。これをきれいにまとめたチームは本当にすごい!
▲ Midnight Gospel
▲ Adventure Time
▲ Me (left), my sister, and cousins celebrating Shichi-Go-San at home
▲ 子供のころのわたし(一番ひだり!)姉といとこ兄弟たちと自宅で七五三
There are many games I enjoy, but I particularly like competitive games like League of Legends and the Call of Duty series. These games are not only fun in themselves, but they are also difficult to win without communicating with other players. As a result, the communities around these games are very active, and the friends I have made from all over the world through these games are treasures to me for life.
I grew up in a very sheltered environment in a small world where everyone knew each other, from primary school to university, and even entended to my grandfather's generation. While I am grateful for such a wonderful environment, I sometimes felt caged growing up in a community where many people shared similar values. That's why I found it so much fun to connect with so many different people through games. The diverse world of gaming, where people of different ages, nationalities, religions, languages, and ideas come together, is the diverse world I seek. Thanks to gaming, I have unique friends all over the world, from primary schoolers to seniors :)
たくさんありますが、League of LegendsやCall of Dutyシリーズなどのコンペティティブなゲームが好きです。ゲーム自体が面白いのはもちろんですが、これらのゲームはほかのプレイヤーとのコミュニケーションなしで勝つのが難しいゲームです。そのためコミュニティがとってもアクティブで、これらのゲームを通じて出会った世界中の友人たちは私の一生の宝物です。
▲ League of Legends
▲ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
My job is to set up a comfortable environment for these lovable geniuses to be able to work as ARTISTS without any worries.
▲ Visiting my root in gaming career at Riot Games with Ikumi!
▲ わたしのゲームキャリアのはじまりRiotGamesにIkumiと遊びに行ったよ!
▲ With everyone at Riot Games!
▲ Riot Gamesのみんなと!
I enjoyed playing games like Mario, Super Smash Bros, and Monster Hunter like everyone else since I was a child, but I became a hardcore gamer when I was in college. For me, the turning point in my life was when my PlayStation 3 connected to the internet. I quickly became engrossed in various FPS titles on my PlayStation 3 and eventually learned that the real FPS gamers play with a mouse and keyboard, so I started playing games on my custom made PC. From then on, every day was like a carnival! The game that I first became obsessed with on PC was League of Legends, and I thought to myself, "I want to work for the company that makes this game." So, I actually ended up switching career and working for Riot Games! That was the beginning of my career in the gaming industry.
子供のころからみんなと同様にマリオ・スマブラ・モンハン等を嗜んで育ちましたが、ハードコアゲーマーになったのは大学生の時です。カジュアルゲーマーだったわたしにとって、プレステ3がインターネットにつながったことは人生における大転換でした。すぐにプレステ3で様々なFPSタイトルにのめりこみ、そのうちハードコアなFPSゲーマーはマウスとキーボードでゲームをプレイすることを知り、PCでゲームを遊ぶようになりました。そこからはもう毎日がカーニバル!特にPCで最初にのめりこんだのはLoLで、「こんなゲームを作る会社で働きたい」と思い本当にRiot Gamesに転職してしまいました!私のゲーム業界でのキャリアの始まりでした。
▲ My first custom PC build in progress
▲ はじめての自作PC製作途中の光景
▲ My setup at Japan's largest LAN party, C4LAN
▲ 日本最大のLANパーティーC4LANでのマイセットアップ
▲ Me and Ikumi in the good old days in Bethesda - Tokyo, 2018
▲ Bethesda時代のわたしとIkumi - 東京、2018
▲ Me and Ikumi now: flying around the world together every day! - Portugal, 2022.
▲ 今のわたしとIkumi:世界中を二人で飛び回る毎日!-ポルトガル、2022
Just before the pandemic, I had resigned from my job in Bethesda with the intention of attending school in China for a while. However, my visa was delayed and while I was waiting, I decided to move to Niseko in Hokkaido to enjoy a ski-filled life. I had so much fun there that I continued living in Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, for two years while enjoying my long vacation. (I never got the Chinese visa BTW) When I finally decided to come back to work, Ikumi asked me to work with her at UNSEEN. We had shared ideas and talked about our ideals while working together in Bethesda, so we had a shared vision. I also wanted to help someone who needed me, and UNSEEN's vision and projects were so attractive that I decided to visit their studio. That day, I immediately decided to join the team! I feel really lucky to have been given this wonderful opportunity.
I think UNSEEN is like an international school. People from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures come together and coexist. Moreover, everyone seems to enjoy working with a young heart. When I was in junior high school, I saw a documentary about Pixar where adults in shorts and t-shirts were running around the studio on kick scooters with child like wonders. They had a lot of figures on their desks and seemed to be having a lot of fun with laughter and joy while working. I thought, "I want to be like a childlike adult someday!" For now, my dream is coming true smoothly :)
▲ UNSEEN Halloween Party! - Tokyo,2022
▲ UNSEEN ハロウィーンパーティ! - 東京、2022
▲ With the geniuses in UNSEEN at GDC2023
▲ UNSEENの愛すべき天才たちとGDC2023にて
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I hope to fully support artists so that they can immerse themselves in creativity comfortably at UNSEEN. I often work with Creative Director Ikumi, Visual Director Liam, and Creative Producer Sheen, who are really, really great at producing wonderful works, but they can be a bit “unconventional” sometimes! lol They have an endless supply of ideas and creativity, which can make it difficult to organize their thoughts or meet deadlines:) If you let them do what they want, they'll create great work even without any intervention. So, the important thing is not to interfere with them and to watch over them warmly. So, my job is to set up a comfortable environment for these lovable geniuses to be able to work as "artists" without any worries. Leave the tedious tasks such as contract drafting, negotiation, and schedule management to me, I love you all♡ I love the works created by UNSEEN artists!
アーティストたちが気持ちよくクリエイティブに没頭できるように全力でサポートしたいと思っています。普段はCreative DirectorのIkumi, Visual DirectorのLiam, Creative producerのSheenと一緒に仕事をすることが多いのですが、彼らは本当に本当に素晴らしい作品を生み出す代わりに、ちょっとお茶目なんです(笑)アイデアやクリエイティビティが止まらなくて話がなかなかまとまらなかったり、締切意識するのが苦手だったり:) 彼らは自由に任せておけば放っておいても素敵な作品を作ってくれます、だから大切なのは彼らの邪魔をせず、暖かくみまもってあげることじゃないかな。だから、そんな愛すべき天才たちが気持ちよく「アーティスト」でいれるようにセッティングを整えるのがわたしの仕事です!めんどくさい契約書作成や交渉やスケジュール管理はまかせてね、みんな愛してる♡私はUNSEENのアーティストたちの作る作品が大好きだよ!
▲ JAKE:Working in games is pawsome, I'm wagging for you!
▲ JAKE:ゲームのおしごと最高だよ、まってるわん
It may sound like a cliché, but I think the advice I would give to someone looking to follow a similar path is to never give up on challenging themselves! If you have something you want to do, you should definitely try it! Also, even if you don't have talent for drawing or game development skills like me, it's okay because game production requires the skills and talents of many different fields. There are people who sell games, manage schedules, connect people, bridge the gap between communities and studios, and so on. There should always be a job that matches your skills and interests! If you keep your eyes open to the outside world and seize opportunities, you will definitely encounter wonderful jobs!
In our previous article SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Level Designer, Rob Colonico, he asks: “Hey Kyoko! What made you decide to transition from community manager to assistant producer? Are there any key lessons you've learned from your past experience that’s helped you in your current role?”
After going on a business trip to LA with Ikumi, I was suddenly called in and asked if I wanted to become a producer! She said that I had the qualities to be a good producer and it would be a waste not to use them. I never thought about it myself, but since it was a good opportunity, I decided to give it a try! There is a lot to learn, but it's very fun! Even as I get older, new challenges are the best and I'm grateful to UNSEEN for giving me this chance :)
前記事 SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Level Designer, Rob Colonicoからの質問:「ねえ、京子!コミュニティ・マネージャーからアシスタント・プロデューサーに転身しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか?また、過去の経験から学んだことで、今の仕事に役立っていることはありますか?」
Thank you for your time Kyoko-san!
We look forward to showing everyone the amazing work you have been creating for UNSEEN.
▷▷▷ Next time, we will introduce PIERRE - Senior Gameplay Engineer at UNSEEN.
Please look forward to it.
Bonjour Pierre! With all the cutting edge technologies coming out every month, how do you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and tools in game development?
Senior Gameplay Engineer