Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Mathieu : Senior Engineer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、シニアエンジニアのマチューさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hello! I’m Mathieu! I grew up in Montreal in Canada. I developed a passion for listening to rock music since teenage time. After my studies, working in the game industry took me to many places around the world.
Being stuck on a strange situation, going in a phase of not knowing what to do and eventually finding solutions. The liberating feeling from being able to get out of that uncomfortable situation is what drive my professional life.
I have strong memories of playing many hours of Ultima Underworld. The game was in a dark and mysterious world. Very simple introduction which left more to be understood later in the game. It was one of the first game which gave me a full immersion to explore a 3d world in real-time. It was possible to pickup objects and throw things anywhere on the level.
Since then I of all genres, I spent most time playing open world games. GTA 3 and Zelda Breath of the Wild. These games have a lot of ambiance when just doing exploration at my own pace.
ウルティマ アンダーワールドを長時間プレイした思い出が強く残っています。このゲームは、暗く神秘的な世界が舞台でした。シンプルなイントロダクションで始まり、その後のゲームプレイで多くを理解していくというものでした。リアルタイムで3Dの世界を探索できるという、完全な没入感を初めて体験できたゲームの一つでした。アイテムを拾ったり、レベル内のどこにでも物を投げたりすることができました。
それ以来、私は様々なジャンルのゲームをプレイしてきましたが、その中でもオープンワールドゲームに最も多くの時間を費やしてきました。GTA 3やゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルドなどのゲームです。これらのゲームは、自分のペースで探索しているときの雰囲気がとても良いです。
When I was young my family bought a used IBM PC with 4.77Mhz updated to 512kb RAM. I tried to play any game that I could get hold of. Back then it was popular to trade games with friends. I don’t recall we even had a notion of good or bad games, just trying as many games as possible and any weakness of a game was usually seen more as a challenge. Every game available was unique and had to be tried.
A good source of game news was through magazines. Even some of the more business computer magazines often had articles with game reviews and advertisements. Some stores had huge inventory of games for different computers or consoles. I would spend hours picking up game box one by one to look at the cover and turn around the box to see the screenshots on the back.
小さい頃、私の家族は中古のIBM PCを購入しました。4.77Mhzの処理速度で、512KBのRAMにアップグレードされていました。私は手に入るゲームは何でもプレイしようとしました。当時は友達とゲームを交換するのが一般的でした。良いゲームや悪いゲームという概念はほとんどなく、できるだけ多くのゲームを試そうとしていました。ゲームの欠点は挑戦と見なされることが多かったです。利用可能なすべてのゲームがユニークで、試す価値があると感じました。
I wanted to find a game studio who wants to create a new project with developers from every origin are welcome within a multi-language environment.
Following the first announcements about the founding of UNSEEN, I started to read all news reports, interviews with Ikumi and articles about each team members. The Youtube channel also gave good insights. That motivated me to apply!
UNSEENの設立に関する最初の発表と記事、中村育美のインタビュー、そして各チームメンバーに関する記事「See the UNSEEN」を読み始めました。YouTubeチャンネルも良い洞察を与えてくれました。色んなUNSEENのコンテンツを通じて応募しなきゃと思いました。
您希望为 UNSEEN 带来什么?
I am glad to be able to offer insight from my experience. This is also balanced with keeping an open eye on new workflows, ideas and expertise of my colleagues.
What kind of work are you entrusted with on Kemuri? Additionally, how would you like to improve that work? ケムリではどのような仕事を任されていますか?また、その仕事をどのように改善していきたいですか?
After joining UNSEEN, I was offered some first tasks which were needed to address. After getting to learn more the project I also was able to give my suggestions on what I'd like to work on. I have always been fascinated by development of 3d engine and improving platform support of a game.
Play all the games that interest you. Read many reviews and internet discussions about these games to understand different reactions people can have. Try to find any source of information about the development of these games and similar ones. It can be interviews and articles.
If you have an interest in game programming, try different programming languages and game engines. Try to write game related systems while learning language features. Some people work better in a team, so after having written code or game demo which you can demonstrate, try to join a team or create one.
There are many teams around the world trying to make the next big game hits. It can take many attempts and especially many years to get there. If you feel happy working and developing new skills, continue. Especially try having a good time with the people who share the efforts.