Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Michelle Lai : Project Manager at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、プロジェクトマネージャのミシェル・ライさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hi! My name is Michelle Yu Chia Lai 賴又嘉, I joined UNSEEN in late 2023 as a project manager, and am currently working remotely from Taipei, Taiwan. Since there is only 1 hour time difference, I set the clock on my PC to JST and it feels like I get an extra hour of free time after work everyday!
My hobbies include playing games, doing nail art, admiring my chinchilla from a respectful distance, and watching TikTok compilations on YouTube.
こんにちは!私の名前は賴又嘉(Michelle Yu Chia Lai)です。2023年後半にUNSEENにプロジェクトマネージャーとして参加し、現在は台湾の台北からリモートで働いています。時差が1時間しかないので、PCの時計を日本標準時に設定しています。仕事の後に毎日1時間多くの自由な時間を得ているような気がします!
▲ My chinchilla Aju (阿啾), held grumpily against her will
▲ Aju joining the other cuties in my Pokémon plush collection
▲ UNSEEN-themed nail art I did as practice for my next business trip!
▲ Venn diagram provided in his book and created by American entrepreneur Marc Winn to illustrate the concept of ikigai
I am inspired by people who are passionate and trying to accomplish their dreams.
I’ve always found it difficult to answer the question “What is your dream?” as my answers keep changing every few years. People say “You'll know when you've found 'the one’” about relationships, and I think it’s the same with life goals. I have not found my one true love yet, but thankfully, I’ve realized what I do love is being around and supporting people who have!
The Japanese phrase “Ikigai生き甲斐” describes the concept of finding your “reason for being,” and I think game development is one of the few jobs where you are regularly in the presence of many who have found theirs.
People who know their Ikigai exude a very positive energy that inspires me to also try my best and become a better version of myself!
My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That game was the first time I felt truly immersed in a open world that I could just run around in for hours, and allowed me to experience a sense of childlike wonder that I have not felt in a very long time.
I also love Pokémon games! Lately the direction they took with Pokémon Legends: Arceus was such a breath of fresh air it got me into shiny hunting again because instead of hatching a gazillion eggs and praying, I could just wander around the world catching Pokémon of various sizes while being on the lookout for the sparkle VFX and SFX, amazing.
私のお気に入りのゲームは、「ゼルダの伝説: ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」です。そのゲームは、私が本当に没頭できるオープンワールドに初めて出会ったゲームで、何時間も駆け回ることができ、非常に長い間感じていなかった子供のような驚きを体験させてくれました。
また、ポケモンゲームも大好きです!最近は、「ポケットモンスター レジェンズ アルセウス」が新しい風を巻き起こし、再びシャイニーハンティングに没頭させました。何千もの卵を孵化して祈るのではなく、さまざまな大きさのポケモンを捕まえながら、キラキラと輝くVFXやSFXに注目しながら世界を彷徨うことができるからです。素晴らしいですね。
▲ The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / Nintendo
That opening cutscene gave me goosebumps!
▲ Pokémon Legends: Arceus / Game Freak
My shiny Pachirisu and Pachirisus of varying sizes
One of my uncles would bring his Nintendo 64 to my grandma’s house whenever he would visit, and spend the entire afternoon playing games with me and my cousins. Those were some of my fondest childhood memories.
Years later, I finally convinced my parents video games were for good ol' family fun, not going to rot my brain, and got my first ever “Nintendo” much later than most of my peers, a Wii.
▲ There’s a photo of me and my cousins playing the N64 like this somewhere but I couldn’t find it so please take this random one I found on the internet instead. Same nostalgic vibes
▲ “It’s the perfect way to bring all the ages together!” - Me to my parents begging for a Wii
"全年齢が一緒に楽しめる完璧な方法だ!" - 両親にWiiをねだる私
▲ Dance Dance Revolution / Konami, Nintendo
The only type of exercise I ever did back in the day.
Before joining UNSEEN, I spent 5 years working at a studio in Taipei called Neobards. Some projects I had the honor to participate in include Marvel’s Avengers, Resident Evil Resistance, and Silent Hill f. As these titles suggest, Neobards specializes in the co-development of AAA projects.
As much as I appreciated my job and coworkers there, I was always curious about what it would be like to work in a smaller team, on an original IP, to help create something from the ground up.
In early 2023, a small group of UNSEEN members visited Neobards for a casual meet and greet Q&A session, and I was there to help set up the event and translate. Afterwards, I couldn’t stop thinking about UNSEEN. I couldn’t really pinpoint why, but the way they talked about game development and their team really resonated with me. I Googled Ikumi-san and realized she was the energetic lady from that viral E3 video, visited the UNSEEN website, read every single ‘Meet the UNSEEN’ article, saw there was an opening for Producer, thought “worst they can say is no” and sent in my underqualified resume.
Thankfully, everything worked out in the end, phew~
UNSEEN入社前は、Neobardsという台北のスタジオで5年間働いていました。私が関わったプロジェクトで誇りに思っているのは、「Marvel’s Avengers」、「Resident Evil Resistance」、「Silent Hill」などがあります。これらのタイトルからもわかるように、NeobardsはAAAプロジェクトの共同開発を専門としています。
私はそこでの仕事や同僚をとても大切にしていましたが、常に小規模なチームでオリジナルIPを開発することがどのようなものか興味を持っていました。2023年初頭、UNSEENの少数のメンバーがNeobardsを訪れ、カジュアルなミートアンドグリートの質疑応答セッションが行われました。私はそのイベントの設営と通訳を手伝いました。その後、UNSEENのことが頭から離れなってしまいました。はっきりした理由はわからないのですが、彼らがゲーム開発やチームについて話す方法にすごく共感できました。Ikumiさんのことをググってみたら、あのウイルス性のE3ビデオの元気な女性だったと気付き、UNSEENのウェブサイトを訪問し、すべての「Meet the UNSEEN」の記事を読み、プロデューサーの募集があることに気付いて、「最悪断られるだけだ」と思って、自分の資格不足の履歴書を送りました。幸い、すべてがうまくいきました。ふう〜
▲ Me (second row, far right) with the Marvel’s Avengers team at Neobards
您希望为 UNSEEN 带来什么?
At my previous job, I was fortunate to have had the chance to work with many renowned developers and outsourcers from around the world. Each of those teams had slightly different development methodologies and approaches, which required significant time and extensive communication to establish efficient and effective working relationships.
I hope that these experiences can contribute to helping UNSEEN establish a strong development culture among members from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.
My advice would be to keep an open mind towards new opportunities, and not be afraid of venturing beyond your job description if it can benefit the team.
Starting out as an interpreter, it was my job to attend meetings and help translate, but by going a bit beyond to arrange follow-up conversations, send out action items and task reminders, I slowly moved towards coordination and eventually project management.
I guess many other-profession-turned-PMs followed a similar path of doing a little extra scheduling, taking meeting notes, lending an ear to help mediate a dispute, Googling “how help team work better," then surprise, one day you are suddenly knee-deep in JIRA.
One other piece of advice for those who want to work in games but are having trouble breaking into the industry: don’t hesitate to apply for different roles. Game development is so multidisciplinary that even if you start out in one you are not 100% sure of, what you learn on the job will still benefit your career, and help steer you onto the right path.
I know combat designers who started as QA, concept artists who started as UI, 3D artists who started as outsource managers, and producers who started as engineers. As long as you are passionate about making games, it does not matter what role you start in, as long as you take that first step to get in the door.